Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Breakdancing on the train, ass roasting, and laundry

Last night was one of those occasions that makes me wonder if there is indeed a God who has a cruel sense of humor and likes to toy with me. It was almost as bad as my weekend Manhattan trip. Here's what happened: After I got on the train toward Queens, I tried to take a mini-nap as usual, except this time I couldn't because one of those street-performers was going through the train and doing tricks. The guy claimed that he was a college student trying to earn tuition money and then proceeded to break dance. Of course, he went around asking for money after his 2-minute routine. Now I was once a college student in need of tuition assistance too, but I don't ever recall break dancing on the Caltrain or BART to make ends meet. I got steady jobs that didn't rely on begging. Usually, I keep some coins in my pocket for unavoidable occasions such as this, but I didn't have any coins on me at the time and I didn't feel like giving him a dollar, either, so I just closed my eyes.

I also happened to sit in a spot directly above the heater, which would be nice and comfy if I weren't already bundled up. So for 15 minutes I felt like my ass was on fire. Thankfully the guy next to me got off a few stations later so I could move away from the ass oven.

When I finally got home I had to haul a 30-lb bag of dirty laundry 4 blocks to the laundromat. I hadn't done laundry in more than 4 weeks because of the weekend blizzard and raining. Good thing that I finally broke down and bought one of those upright shopping/laundry carts. As I pushed the massive bag of dirty laundry down the block and covered my head with the hood on my jacket, the transformation was complete: I was the homeless old lady that goes through people's trash looking for cans to recycle. Sigh, if the cart only handled like a four-wheel drive with power steering, I would have been set. But oh well.

Two hours and almost $15 later, I hauled the clean laundry back home. By then I was starving because I hadn't eaten anything all night. Out of desperation, I heated up some left over Chinese take out. In the immortal words of my Brooklyn coworker, "lemme tell ya," the only thing worse than shitty Chinese fast food is shitty Chinese fast food that sat in the fridge for a week. It was possibly the 3rd worst meal I've had since moving to NYC.

The only bright spot was "The Shield," the best show on TV now. Gritty, intense, gripping and sometimes hilarious, what a show!