Monday, March 31, 2003

Adventures Back Home

Three things happened today while I was on my way back. First I saw two pretty policewomen in Grand Central. Pretty hefty that is. These ladies were packing much more weight than heat. I don't know how they will be able to chase down criminals if they can't run very fast. I mean, I can run faster than them, and I've been told that I walk like a crab and run like a duck. God help us if there are actual terrorists running around in the subway planting bombs.

As if I am being punished for those nasty thoughts, my paystub, complete with my name, address, social security number, and bank account number, flew out of my bag and onto the tracks when I took out a book to read while waiting for the train. It really wasn't useful to me since it wasn't my paycheck and I have an online copy of it. I also didn't want to get run over by a big fucking train. However, since all my important personal information was printed on this super conspicuous light purple paper, I began to have flashbacks of all those Capitol One commercials with their silly chimps and mermaids buying hordes of stuff at the expense of some poor sap. Therefore, I looked around for Metro Transit Authority personnel or a cop to maybe help me figure out a way to get it back. Of course, no MTA guy was around and my bad karma probably drove away all the cops in the area.I waited for one train too pass through, hoping that it would somehow ruin the paper to such an extent that no useful information can be gleaned. It got swept up into a puddle of water. I'm still pretty worried though. Maybe I should alert my bank tomorrow.

After I got on the train, there were some subway performers doing their thing. I had seen them on the train before, but was too tired to care last time. This time I actually paid more attention. In this group there were two guys that looked like they belonged in high school and two little boys that couldn't be more than 6 years old. I'm not sure if they are black or Puerto Rican.

They started playing some hip hop on this huge boombox staight out of an eighties breakdancing movie. The thing was bigger than the little boys! While the music was playing they were doing backflips and rolling around on a moving train, which was really impressive. One of the little boys actually reminded me of my little cousin just before I left China. I pulled out my wallet and tried to find a dollar bill to give to them, but there were only twenties. The little boy asked, "do you have five dollar bills?" Honestly, I would have given it to him if I actually had any five-dollar bills. I finally dug out some coins from my jacket pocket to give to him. It was pretty embarassing. I usually have more coins in my pocket just for such occasions, but I used most of them doing laundry last weekend. Oh well. I will probably see them again.

I'm hungry. Time to eat.