Sunday, March 30, 2003

Fox TV Programs

Just saw previews for some terrible Fox Monday night shows. First there is Boston Public, which is probably the most absurd show outside of reality-TV land. They have an amish guy (I think) and Mini-Me on Monday's show. Before that, I remember seeing ads about some idiot teacher who was having an affair with a student's supposedly psychotic mother, who just happen to be married to a crazy arms dealer that threatened to kill him. Then, there was the other ad about another teacher being stalked by an unbalanced lesbian student. WTF? Who came up with all these weird plot twists? I wonder if in the series finale they will have Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Linden "pass the Courvoisier" while they fly a Concorde into the school. The weirdest thing that has ever happened in any school I've attended occurred in junior high when a girl accidentally shot herself in the face/neck right outside my classroom. The sound of the gun discharge didn't resemble those in the movies at all. It sounded more like a firecracker going off. Then I heard the girl's cries. And it was my first day at that school. What a welcome huh? Fortunately, she just missed her jugular so she survived. I think.

Lord, I was complaining about a show, how did I get side-tracked again? Ok, anyways the second ad was for Married by America, which is a show that really pisses me off and makes me even more cynical, even more than Are You Hot. I'm not pissed off because I have some hoary, puritan "traditional family values." I'm pissed off because there are gay couples in this country who have fought for years to gain official recognition of their matrimony and so far they have succeeded in only one state, Vermont, if I remember correctly. So I see these people who have never met each other getting hitched on TV (well, actually I've never watched the show) while I continue to read about gays and lesbians who cannot receive health benefits from their spouses' employers because they are not considered legally married even though they have lived together for many years. Then there are all these court verdicts that declare gay couples unfit to adopt children because of their lifestyle, so you have thousands of kids who are shuffled around from foster home to abusive foster home. Talk about a fucking double standard.