Friday, March 14, 2003

Dancing Dummy

Last night in Grand Central while I was waiting for the Shuttle train to Times Square, I saw this subway performer dancing with a female dummy. The dummy actually looked pretty real. Basically, the guy tied his shoes to those of the dummy, put on some Mexican(?) music and just started getting jiggy with her. Although parts of the guy's routine looked like salsa, I don't remember learning to put my dance partner's head between my legs and use her hands to slap her own ass in Social Dance I. Overall watching the guy dancing was pretty entertaining, but he didn't have many variations.

Then while on the train, the guy sitting near me vomited into a plastic bag, spraying some vomit outside of his bag and on the floor. Thank God there was a girl sitting between us so I didn't get any of his brown sauce on me. That's New York for ya.