Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Last Thing for Tonight. I Promise

Apparently, MTV Europe has imposed self-censorship, at least according to this memo. Banned videos include:

* System of a Down "Boom!" - anti-war video containing facts and figures about, amongst other things, the projected casualties in the war in Iraq.
* Radiohead "Lucky" - contains war footage including injured children.

"Furthermore, videos with words such as "bomb", "missile", "war" or other sensitive words in the artist or song title should not be shown at the moment.

Examples include:
Outkast "B.O.B (Bombs over Baghdad)" - song title may offend.
Radiohead "Invasion" - song title may offend.
Megadeth "Holy Wars" - song title may offend.
Gavin Friday "You, Me and World War Three" - song title may offend.
B-52s videos."

B-52s videos? Man, I'm glad I'm not in a band called The Patriots or Scud.