Wednesday, April 30, 2003


On the train to work, I sat next to a really really fat woman. She was so fat, she reminded me of those yo mama jokes that I used to put outside of Roble (sigh, what I used to do to get attention). You know, "yo mama so fat, she bungee jumped straight to hell!" I think she actually has some kind of gravitional pull because I kept on sliding toward her. Of course, it had nothing to do with the train braking.

Her morbid obesity really reminded me of this woman in my swimming class freshman year. I hate to sound so mean, but watching that woman trying to swim was like watching a hippo on Animal Planet. Maybe I'm just bitter because she could float and swim around much better than I could. I never learned how to swim because, according to the swimming instructor, my lower body was too heavy as a result of too much muscle in my legs, which was sort of flattering. It didn't help that I had to drop the class after two weeks because I hated going to IHUM (Intro to Humanities, for you non-Stanford peeps) section right after class smelling like a swimming pool and the weather was still really cold.

Fatty Train also reminded me of last weekend, when we all went to Sears portrait studio (once again, stay away from that place if you want good service and quality prints). There was also a really fat girl behind the counter. My sister's father-in-law, who just flew here from China, stared at the counter girl for a few seconds in disbelief. I laughed and asked him, "What's wrong? Haven't you ever seen a fat person in China?" He replied, "Yes, but we don't even have a concept for this kind of obesity in China. This girl's one leg is wider than my waist!"