Outcries of a Liberal
Ok, today I'm just going to ramble and vent so the following paragraphs are totally disjointed. Read at your own peril.
* The Daily Show With Jon Stewart on
COMEDY CENTRAL is currently the single gutsiest and most insightful
political news program on the air, against a backdrop of right-wing extremists such as Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, who have basically dominated the airwaves. I am often surprised at how relevant and brilliant The Daily Show has become in light of current events.
* Celebrities such as Martin Sheen and Janeane Garofalo are speaking out against the war on behalf of those of us who oppose it, RATHER THAN THE OFFICIALS WE ELECTED. Why aren't they speaking out for their constitutents? You know, the hundreds of thousands of people who marched in San Francisco, New York, Chicago, etc., against the war and who voted them into office and whom they were suppose to represent?
* The major Democratic presidential candidates have basically decided to roll over and appease the Republican-controlled White House, House of Representatives and the Senate. "We will support our soldiers once the war starts," they declare. How about working to prevent the war from happening in the first place so these soldiers, including my friend Jocelynn, won't have to face biochemical weapons? To hear them vacillating and cowering makes me long for the days of Senator Paul Wellstone, you know, the guy who had a conscience AND a spine. I am almost certain that Senator Wellstone is rolling in his coffin right now.
* I have now come to the conclusion that I have vastly underestimated the ignorance of my fellow Americans. While debating the necessity of the war with a college-educated coworker, he actually said, "I trust whatever the president tells me because the President of the United States will never lie." Evidently, he has never heard of Watergate or "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky." Everyday on the train, I see people reading that piece of sensational, hawkish rag known as the New York Post, which shares its owner with FOX News, a sensational, hawkish conservative mouthpiece.
* I don't know about you guys but I have a bad feeling about the United States being led by an inarticulate, stubborn, provincial simpleton who has lived a sheltered life of privilege and usurped the presidency through his family's political connections (from Katherine Harris to Jeb Bush to Antonin Scalia to Clarence Thomas) into a costly and bloody war (for the Iraq civilians) Last night when I was watching Bush reading off his little "we have a big cock and we don't give a shit about what everyone else thinks" speech from the teleprompter, I noticed that there was absolutey nothing behind those beady little eyes. If his head is a hotel then his eyes must be a vacancy sign. Here comes the village idiot that had just met with his "coalition of willing" (Jon Stewart: "President Bush met with his 'coalition of the willing,' everyone else just call them Britain and Spain.") for an hour to decide on a foregone conclusion. This is the guy who offered Turkey a $10+ billion bribe package just so we could use their military bases, when thousands of people are laid off everyday, our children are stuck in overcrowded, decrepit, failing public schools, and our economy is in the shitter. For a reminder of just how bad the job market is, I recommend
fuckthatjob.com. Flanked by his fellow
chicken hawks, Bush expects hundreds of thousands of his fellow Americans to sacrifice for his country when all he ever did was having a jolly good ol' time frolicking in the Texas National Guard, you know, protecting our borders against potential invasions by Mexico.