Picture Descriptions
IMG_0252-0427: pictures of my working environment at Bear Stearns and some other midtown landmarks, i.e. Rockfeller Center. I've moved one floor down so now we all have our own cubicles. I never thought I would be happy to sit in cubicles, but it definitely beats sitting right next to your manager.
IMG_0488-0518: My trip to visit Jason in DC. I call him Chief now because he looks like an Indian chief with his flowing mane, although he's half Arab. He's going to U of MD right now so we took a bunch of pictures on campus. Then, being the aviation dork that he is, he took me to the Smithsonian Aviation and Aeronautics museum.
IMG_0522-0545: Chinese New Year's spent at a family friend's house in Connecticut. Activities include visits to the Yale campus, where Aunt Liu (not really my aunt, more of a respectful title) works; detailed insider's guide to college admissions to Aunt Liu and Uncle Niu, since they have a daughter about to enter the NINTH grade (sigh, pushy Chinese parents); trip to the movie theatre to watch LOTR 2 for the second time with Aunt Liu, who had seen it twice before already, and the daughter, who had seen it THREE times already, at least it was free. Despite my complaining, it was a great trip. I felt so free and alive when I was zipping along on the smooth, wide open highway to their house. It was good visiting them since I hadn't seen them for almost 10 years. I also got to eat lots of tasty Chinese food. The shuttle accident really put a damper on my mood though.
IMG_0562-0573: Trip to the Metropolitan Musuem of Art with Amy, who works at Bear too and helped to hire me. I wasn't really impressed with the Da Vinci exhibit since it was only a collection of half finished sketches. Saw some cool photos though.
IMG_0624-end: Pictures I took on St. Patrick's Day. Tons and tons of revelers, including the cute and drunk girl in IMG_0639, who was loud as hell and threatened to flash the group of police officers in the parade, but unfortunately decided against it. Good for her, bad for the rest of us. I was really fascinated by the IRA guys. I thought IRA is classfied as a terrorist group. Shouldn't those guys be deported or something?
As you can see, I have done some fun things,
Sachin. J/K. I'll try to take and post more pictures.